Surf Report Menubar App Documentation

This document outlines the main features and functionalities of the Surf Report Menubar Application, a Mac OS menubar application designed to provide real-time surf reports, including wave height, wind speed, tides, and a surf forecast.

Main Features


The application utilizes various technologies and APIs to fetch and display surf data. It features interactive elements such as buttons for minimizing, maximizing, and closing the window, as well as input forms for setting alerts based on specific conditions.

Interactive Elements

Data Visualization

Data is presented through interactive charts and information cards, displaying current conditions, swell info, wind info, and weather info. Users can navigate through the data using arrow buttons to view predictions for different times.


Upon launching, the application icon appears in the menubar. Clicking on this icon opens a dropdown menu displaying all the features and surf data. Users can interact with the application through this menu to view surf conditions, set alerts, and customize settings.